Saturday, March 10, 2007

March 10 - LBJ Ranch

We rode bikes around President Johnson's ranch today. Gene discovered online that the National Park Service was going to host the first ever "friends of the ranch" bike ride. It only cost $10 so we signed up for the afternoon ride. Luci Baines Johnson (I don't recall her married name), LBJ's younger daughter led the ride and told great stories about her father, her family, and the ranch. LBJ gave 700 acres of the ranch to the park service before he died. It's a lovely spot, at least it was today. It was sunny and 75 degrees, and we had a nice breeze so riding was just about perfect. We rode by the house where the Pres was born as well as the larger house where LBJ's grandparents lived, that later became the Texas White House. Nothing fancy...very "down home." Obviously a wealthy family, but the house wasn't that big a deal. Huge pecan trees lined all the roads on the ranch. The family cemetery where LBJ is buried is shaded by enormous oak trees. We spoke a bit with Luci, and a bit more with her husband as we were riding along. About 1/2 way through the ride Luci got word that her mother was coming up to meet the group. Lady Bird is 94 years old and Luci had said that she was blind and couldn't speak but was generally in good health. Well, up drives a nice white car with two men in the front seat (a driver and secret service?) and Lady Bird and her nurse in the back! She stopped and shook hands with several people (the ride organizer, a state senator that was on the ride, and several others). She was smiling and waving and seemed to love the attention of our group of 75 riders. How Gene gets us involved in these things I'll never know! I kept thinking someone was going to start hitting us up for a big contribution, but it never came. No photos as my camera seems to have given out. It won't shut off unless you take the battery out. Really a nuisance since you have to take it out after every photo or the battery dies. We can still take pictures, it just takes more effort. We'll get it fixed ASAP!


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