Sunday, March 04, 2007

March 1 Update-No More TORNADOS

OK, now we’ve learned more than we ever wanted to know about tornados. They landed close by all afternoon and evening. We were parked outside Walmart waiting for everything to “blow by” so to speak. They have an informative system in Alabama. We were watching the National Weather Channel, and the local channel. Local was the best. The meteorologist was on the air constantly—they pre-empt all programming so that people can watch the progress of the weather. It was amazing to see how accurately they can track the travel of the nastiest weather. Unfortunately for the many people killed and injured as the tornados landed, it isn’t perfect. Everyone knew where the worst wind was headed and where the air was beginning to rotate…so they were warned to be in their shelters. We were advised to just keep watching the news and listening for the warning sirens. If it had gotten any closer we were supposed to go inside Walmart. The students that were killed when their high school was hit were all sitting in the hallways, locked down. It should have been a safe place but the tornado was stronger than the roof of the gymnasium and band rooms and students were trapped there. After the tornados (I think there were 13 different ones) passed over our area they landed again in Georgia and killed more people there, even doing a lot of damage to the local hospital. The pictures on the news are amazing but we are avoiding the damaged areas.


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