Monday, January 22, 2007

Jan 21, 2007--Sad Day :(

Laura flew home today. We had so much fun with her, and with Hank, that it will seem quiet for awhile. Gene has a ton of work to do for Issaquah Soccer Association (big client) so we are going to stay right where we are. I've got school work to do...and I'm a bit out of the swing. All Elsie wants to do is go outside and play with all the other dogs in this park. We haven't stayed in many real RV parks and it's a bit odd. Just like Lucy and Desi in The Longest Trailer...everybody puttering around their RVs...chatting with anyone who will talk...walking their dogs (all small). Lots of the RVs have funny pink flamingos and lighted palm trees in their "yards". Last night there were 5 tables of ladies playing bridge. There is even a shuffleboard area. Totally goofy. I don't think this is the retirement life I'd choose! The blog will be quiet for a few more days unless you want to hear about teaching English language learners how to read or how much it will cost to verti-drain the soccer fields. We haven't even decided where to go next because the weather is so horrible everywhere except south Florida! Its a bit overcast this morning, only 78 degrees. The forcast is for 80 and sunshine....can't be too tough to be a weatherman in this area. Sun...sun...sun...and more sun. I'm not complaining mind you, but it certainly doesn't seem like winter! Love to you all. B


At 11:39 AM, Blogger Caroline said...

Hi parents,

Hope you have a couple nice, quiet days in your funny RV park. Pink flamingos?? Those are totally cheesy!! How funny. Hopefully that is the one thing that Elsie isn't barking at these days. I think the water bottle might have to make an appearance to make her keep quiet. Or maybe she needs a friend, shall I mail Jak to you??



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