Saturday, January 06, 2007

Jan 6-Tornado watch over!

Sue and Mom get prizes this morning for reading and posting to the blog...well, Mom actually emailed but she did check in. I guess we've been gone so long we're getting a bit lonely for home! Had a tornado watch alert for the county we slept in last night. Evidently one did land but it was back up in North Carolina...where we were a few days ago. We had a deluge of rain all night but now it's sunny and getting warm again. We'll be complaining that it's too hot soon! We actually did run the air conditioner yesterday. We'll be driving again today so there isn't much to add to the blog. I just wanted to say hello...and a special HELLO to Aunt B. We'll be thinking good thoughts for a speedy recovery for you. I did sit ups this morning in your honor. I don't want back problems ever! Love to everyone. Barb


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Caroline said...

Hi Mom and Dad,

I am so glad to see that everyone is back to chatting with, you don't have to just listen (or read) my babble! hehe!! Love you both and am glad you are out of danger...I would hate to have you picked up by a tornado....except that (like Dorothy) you would have to say "There's no place like home..." and then come and see me!!!


At 2:52 PM, Blogger Meg, Bob and Tren said...

Ha! Had to chuckle at you two! Only the first time you had to unhitch to get out of a place! That's pretty good. Can't believe your map thing has such a name! I'm thinking it's a bit like "onstar"??
Send a bit of that warmth this way would you?! It's rainy, windy and chilly here today.
Keep up the good work on the blog as we enjoy reading about your adventures!
love Meg and Bob
Big slurp to Elsie from Annie!


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