Saturday, January 27, 2007

1-27-07 Finally on the road!

Finally! Gene's work is done. My schoolwork is all caught up. We're pulling up the legs and heading off. We have no idea at the moment where we are going...except that we want to see more of Kennedy Space Center before we leave Florida. The weather here is lovely, it looks like a perfect fall day in Seattle-cool and clear. Evidently we are in the only pocket of decent weather in the area so we holed up an extra day or two to see where we should head. We spent one more day at Epcot Center. No rides this time as we didn't have Laura to encourage us. We did get to take test rides on Segways and go into the hydroponic greenhouses (those are regular pumpkins and squash in the photo!). We also explored the different country's exhibits and wandered through a few environmental exhibits. Fun...but not as stomach upsetting as when we went with Laura! We also spent one day at the Kennedy Space Center. We're going again this afternoon and I'll write about that once we finish the place. It's HUGE and interesting even though nothing is happening at the moment. No rockets or shuttles in view. I'm supposed to be vacuuming and cleaning before Gene gets the exterior washed. I'd better get to it but wanted to say hello before he takes down the satellite dish. Love to you all. Thanks for the messages!


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