Friday, December 15, 2006

Thursday Night Lights... and Lights Out!

As per my previous post to the blog, Thursday was my first time onto the Washington DC subway and into the Capital area for a fairly quick look-see around. After a brisk walk on a very spring-like afternoon and a subway ride back in the dark, I got home to one of the darkest nights yet in the park.

I settled down all warm and snuggy to begin my blogging experience, to have some dinner with Elsie, and to watch the Seahawks on the NFL channel. As soon as I switched the channel, the evening became nothing more than flooded bubbles of floating plastic, a very poor showing from the home team, and the most naked of bootlegs since pee-wee football.

Fortunately for me most of the game time was spent trying to figure out this blogging thing, finally getting it posted around 11:30PM EST. No driving through "friday night" traffic during a dark Seattle monsoon for me or any sane person. Then I got the phone call interrupting the boredom of the game. Seems Caroline and Marc called asking for advise for a quick, safe, and managable route from the Seattle Center (at 5:30PM PST) to Bel-Square for a 6:00PM get together of real and near-real daughters. Everything was gridlocked and making a not-so-postive impression on Marc, I'm sure. At least, I figured, Laura had the sense to stay warm and dry at work (knowing she never leaves this time of year (Oprah, not Christmas!). that figure quickly vanished when I learned that Hank was given 2 tickets at the rainiest time to the hopeful game of the century. This must have been their last minute of sanity for the evening! Who would be so crazy to to give up their tickets on such a momentous night?

Just so you know that others had it bad too, Charlie and Kristine survived a big snowstorm, so big that he was chained so tight to his snowblower that he couldn't even discuss football stategy before the game! Of course, he also probably made himself a ski run in front of the house for Kloe.

I got up this morning to check in with the the Daily Evergreen, Seattle Times, KING, and KOMO to find out the entire region is laid to waste, everythings is flooded and, unless your batteries are charged, your not reading this anyway. I can only hope that things get back to normal quickly. Sounds like the utility crews might need some Christmas cookies and hot coffee to get the job done. Of course I can also only hope that the poplar trees blew down, but eastward.

Three Tree has stood up to many storms for a century now, but has hosted many, many more family events like this weekends "early" Christmas. Thanks to everyone for traveling to this family hub to enjoy the Season and each other. It felt right that I stay here to explore this vast unknown area, until right now. You'll have to celebrate the Birth with me in abstentia!

On closing:
1. Natural grass fields can get beat up and torn up, then repaired, but they never bubble up and attempt to float away.
2. Let's hope the Seahawks are better dressed for the next naked bootleg!

I hope everyone is still safe and secure . . . and, please, stay that way!


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Caroline said...

Hi Dad,

You SAVED Marc and I from a driving nightmare. Thank you so much! Not to worry about Marc...I made him close his eyes to block out the red tail lights after an hour of sitting on Mercer. Yuck!

We had a lovely dinner with Sarah, PJ, Jessica, Trevor and Chrissy Schreier. They are all doing great and send their love and Christmas wishes!!!



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