Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sept 28 and 29-My Syracuse Family

I had a wonderful time in Syracuse. We looked up my Dad's brother, James, and he rallied the family so I could see everyone. We visited Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Marcia's church and saw the beautiful window that Jimmy had created as a memorial to Marcia and David Oakerhater, the first Native American to be ordained in the Episcopal church. It's a beautiful tribute to both. We explored the Onondaga Nation and had lunch with my cousin Sandra. The next day we had breakfast with Uncle Jimmy, and my cousins Marcia and Erik. They are all thriving and happy, with teenagers to keep track of. We missed my cousin Leslie since we weren't in town very long--she was scheduled for a root canal! Gene and I also zipped down to Skaneateles to see if we could track down the wooden train company that Edna told me about. She used to sell them at the Toy Store. The company has been sold twice but its still in Skaneateles--although recently the trains started being made in Germany...but the distribution center is still there. Skaneateles is on Lake Skaneateles that is part of the Finger Lakes. Its a cute town with upscale, small restaurants and shops, beautiful homes along a pristine lake. It would be a super vacation spot.


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