Monday, September 25, 2006

Sept 24-Teddy Roosevelt Inaugual Site

It rained and poured at Lake Erie so we finally gave up. Headed up to Buffalo to see where Teddy Roosevelt took the oath of office. Buffalo was the eighth largest city in the US at the turn of the century, but with the closing of the steel mills the population has been steadily decreasing. I think I read that its the 59th in size today. Looks like it needs a lot of urban renewal projects. William McKinnley was the 25th president, and TR was his vice president. McKinnley visited Buffalo for the Pan-American Exposition (the big feature was the electric light bulb and electricity from Niagara Falls) and was shot in 1901. TR was up in the Adirondacks hiking and zipped down to take the oath of at the home of a wealthy friend, Ansley Wilcox. That makes TR the 26th and youngest president of the US. The home has been all restored and has a lot of the furniture and arifacts from the day.


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