Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sept 6-Mt. Rushmore

We are camped outside Custer, SD. It poured rain (thunder, lightning, and hail) just after we got the rig set up so we puttered on our computers. Didn't get up to see Mt. Rushmore until dusk. We watched the evening presentation and the lighting of the monument. Met up with friends we met at Devil's Tower (Wayne and Donna)!


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Caroline said...


Mt. Rushmore is so amazing! What pretty pictures. I am so glad you guys are off to such a great start on your trip. How exciting!

Miss you!


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

Hi family,

I'm glad to hear that Sue is helping Gramma leave comments on your blog. I tried to give her some instructions via email but that is pretty tough. I figure the more comments the parents only have eachother to talk to! hehe! :)

And I second the request for Elsie's picture to be taken in front of every landmark! Good idea, Sue!



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